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Eurotrek AG
Lerzenstrasse 21, 8953 Dietikon

Telephone: +41 44 316 10 00 | Telefax: +41 44 316 10 01


UID: CHE-106.725.148

Commercial Register of the Canton of Zurich: CHE-106.725.148

Eurotrek AG shall be responsible for the content unless otherwise specified on individual pages.

Digital Strategy, Design & Development

pixelart GmbH
Handelszentrum 16 | 5101 Salzburg/Bergheim | Austria
Web: https://www.pixelart.at


for the images and graphics used

All images and graphics used are the legal property of Eurotrek AG, unless otherwise stated directly on the used images, graphics etc. or included in the following list.

Data privacy and Cookies

The privacy policy, information on cookies and Google Disclaimer can be found at www.eurotrek.ch/en/privacy-policy


Liability for content

Eurotrek AG has carefully compiled the content of the website www.eurotrek.ch. General information not directly related to Eurotrek's tours, such as information about the local infrastructure, opening times, etc., has been checked for accuracy as far as possible at the time of publication. However, it is possible that in the meantime the provided public facilities, swimming pools, restaurants, sports and other facilities, etc. have changed. This information is provided for information purposes only and is not binding on Eurotrek. It is also not included in the contract at the time of booking.

If you attach importance to the existence and availability of certain facilities during your trip or see them as a contract requirement, please contact Eurotrek directly for clarification at the time of booking.

The travel offers on www.eurotrek.ch are not binding offers. Eurotrek may change the information, offer, prices etc. on the website at any time and without notice. Information provided in the confirmation by Eurotrek AG is decisive for contract content.

Liability for links

The Eurotrek AG website contains links to external websites of third parties, over whose content Eurotrek has no influence. The relevant provider or operator of the pages shall remain responsible for the content of linked pages at all times. Eurotrek AG shall not be liable for the content of linked websites. The use of linked pages is the sole responsibility of the visitor.

No illegal content could be identified at the time of generating the links. However, it is not possible to check the linked pages on an ongoing basis. We will remove relevant links immediately as soon as we become aware of violations of the law.

Copyright and intellectual property

The website of Eurotrek AG is protected by copyright and is subject to the Swiss copyright law. This applies particularly to texts, photographs, graphics, etc. The reproduction, editing, dissemination, (electronic) storage and any type of use of such content outside the boundaries of copyright law require the written consent of Eurotrek AG and/or of the respective author or creator.

The use of any further intellectual property such as names, logos etc. is not permitted.

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